Jaundice is cause by the body having a yellow substance call bilirubin in the bloodstream more than normal. Bilirubin is produc from the breakdown of red blood cells through a process in the liver and is excret from the body through feces and urine. Generally, babies will have jaundice on the 2nd – 3rd day after birth.

Symptoms of jaundice in newborns
- Yellow body
- Yellow eyes
- Yellow under the tongue
It can be seen with the nake eye in natural light and can be test by pressing a finger on the baby’s nose or forehead. If the skin remains yellow, the baby is jaundic.
If the bilirubin level is too high, it will pass into the brain and bind to the brain tissue, causing a brain disorder called Kernicterus. In the first stage, the baby will be lethargic, weak, and will not suck milk well. Later, the baby will be more lethargic, weak, and will have restlessness, ทางเข้า ufabet, fever, a high-pitched voice, stiff body, neck arched back, and back arch. In the first stage, if the baby receives a blood transfusion as soon as possible, the brain may not be permanently damag and the severity of the brain disability will be reduce. However, if left untreated, the symptoms will become more severe, the neck and back will be more stiff and arched, will not suck milk, will have seizures, will stop breathing, will be coma, and may die.
The causes of jaundice in infants are usually cause by:
- A baby’s red blood cells naturally break down and regenerate faster than an adult’s red blood cells.
- The baby’s liver is not yet fully functional, so it is not able to excrete yellow substances from the body well.
- Infants receive relatively little breast milk during the first days of life.
Mild jaundice usually resolves on its own within 2-3 weeks and does not require treatment. However, if the infant is diagnos with moderate to severe jaundice, treatment should be sought, as follows:
- Phototherapy uses blue-white light from a fluorescent lamp to change the shape and molecular structure of bilirubin so that the body can excrete it in the urine and feces.
- Blood transfusion if the infant has severe jaundice and does not respond to other treatments.
Frequent breastfeeding helps babies get enough nutrients and prevents weight loss. The more breast milk they consume, the more frequent their bowel movements are, helping them eliminate bilirubin more quickly.